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Letter: Parental Alienation Awareness Day was April 25

Awareness day aims to combat negative impacts on children
typewriter pexels-caryn-938165 (From Pexels by Caryn)

For those of you lucky enough to be unfamiliar with the concept of parental alienation, it happens when one parent, without justification and for their own gain, convinces a child to turn against the other parent. 

Academic research firmly concludes deliberate alienation of children from a parent is emotional abuse. The long-term negative effects on children are well documented. Many suffer from low self esteem, lack of trust, depression and forms of addiction. (Edward Kruk Ph.D., 2013)

Not only is it of undeniable importance for a child‘s wellbeing to have positive relationships with both parents, it is their right. (United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, ratified in Canada, December 1991). Lawyers for Shared Parenting report Canadian courts are increasingly taking more drastic measures to limit the effects of parental alienation.

The goal of Parental Alienation Awareness Day is to educate the general public, schools, police, mental health counsellors, religious leaders, social workers and court personnel, as well as the perpetrators who may be unaware of how the negative effect of their alienating behaviours harms innocent children.

With education comes knowledge and understanding. With understanding comes the ability to act to improve the lives of children and the compassion to ensure all children enjoy a healthy relationship with both fit, loving parents and their extended families. 

Sherry Barna
Greater Sudbury