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Success: University women’s group awards inspiring young minds

Enterprising students get a hand up to pursue their dreams with help from the Canadian Federation of University Women Sudbury
Four of the 10 students to receive support for the Canadian Federation of University Women Sudbury recently are (from left) Janika Lapp, Aurora Jongsma, Makayla LaPorte and Kristi Pugliese.

Like most high school students who graduated during or just after the COVID 19 pandemic, Makayla LaPorte spent months isolated and studying at home.

Her curiosity about viruses and vaccines began before the pandemic, but that event certainly reinforced her interest in viruses and vaccines.

LaPorte, who is now attending Laurentian University, plans to pursue her master degree and PhD in immunology and hopes to do research to find treatments for virus infections and autoimmune diseases. Her long-term goal is to teach students who are also interested in this field.

The 20-year old and nine other young enterprising women received help with their education costs this spring thanks to the Canadian Federation of University Women Sudbury (CFUW).

CFUW Sudbury awarded $10,000 in bursaries and scholarships — named to honour exemplary women who have contributed to CFUW locally, provincially or nationally — to hardworking students who have already reached a level of success in their young lives.

LaPorte, a fourth-year biochemistry student is one of two winners of the Margaret Fyfe Orange Memorial Bursary. 

Laurentian student Erin Gibb also received the Margaret Fyfe Orange bursary of $1,000.

Janika Lapp is the recipient of the sports and physical education program scholarship named to honour CFUW Sudbury charter member Helen Byrnes. Originally from Ottawa, Lapp is a recent graduate of Laurentian’s bachelor of physical and health education and will be entering her fifth year in the concurrent education program.

She has an interest in community health, occupational safety, and child development.

The Eleanor Milliken Scholarship was awarded to Laurentian student Melissa-Joan Martin. 

Brianna Brohm, who is in the master of social work program at Laurentian, was awarded the Grace Hartman Memorial Bursary, named for Sudbury's first woman mayor.

Kristi Pugliese, a Cambrian College student, is the recipient of the Marlene Burns Memorial Scholarship. She is entering her third year in the electromechanical engineering technology program.

"I am honoured to be one of this year’s CFUW scholarship winners. This scholarship will help further my education and career opportunities," she said.

"Scholarships like this enable students like me to focus on school instead of the constant fear of finances. This scholarship gives me the financial freedom to continue to be creative and invested in my studies.

"I would like to personally thank CFUW for all their contributions and for empowering women."

The Bridge to University Bursary was awarded to Jessica Chapados-Duchesne. She completed the music performance program at Cambrian College in 2022 and is now studying social service work with an Indigenous specialization.

St. Charles College graduate Aurora Jongsma, 17, is one of three winners of the Doris Thompson Lane Memorial Scholarship. The scholarships of $1,000 each are awarded to students who have good grades and have been involved in high school and community activities.

Jongsma will be studying at Laurentian this fall and is interested in becoming a lawyer.

Queen Heritage Komolafe (St. Benedict's Secondary School) and Haydyn Sulsten (Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School) also received Doris Thompson Lane scholarship.

One of CFUW Sudbury's major initiatives is the annual disbursement of scholarships and bursaries in support of deserving women who are pursuing higher education.

Money for scholarships is raised at fundraisers such as the recent Celebrate Women event and from members' donations.

Female university students can apply for assistance for 2025 this fall.

College students should apply in January. 

More information about these awards is available at Laurentian and Cambrian's philanthropy offices.

Vicki Gilhula is a freelance writer and a member of CFUW Sudbury. Success is made possible by our Community Leaders Program.