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Journal highlights challenges of French patients outside Quebec

Journal highlights challenges of French patients outside Quebec

An article in the Canadian Medical Association Journal examines how thousands of French-speaking Canadians living outside of Quebec are not fully comfortable discussing medical concerns with health-care providers who do not speak French, which could be impacting their overall health
Paramedic Week celebrated by young graduates and city leaders

Paramedic Week celebrated by young graduates and city leaders

New paramedics are hired in Sudbury to join the first responders who are on the job 24/7 to keep people alive
Harm reduction is about science, compassion, Nurses Assoc. says

Harm reduction is about science, compassion, Nurses Assoc. says

The Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario held a press conference May 10 to highlight their concerns about drug poisonings and the closure of supervised consumption services, like Sudbury’s The Spot. 
New study probes cancer’s impact on Canadians’ health, wealth

New study probes cancer’s impact on Canadians’ health, wealth

New medical journal study said while medical science continues to save lives of cancer patients, as the Canadian population ages, cancer rates will keep pace with aging
Most NOSM-trained docs choose family medicine residency

Most NOSM-trained docs choose family medicine residency

NOSM family medicine residencies are at 55 per cent, the highest proportional residency rate in Canada
A long weekend water safety message from Public Health

A long weekend water safety message from Public Health

Plan ahead and prepare to stay safe on the water
Lax vax record keeping leads to hundreds of suspension notices

Lax vax record keeping leads to hundreds of suspension notices

Although some students and parents needed stern reminders and hundreds of students have faced suspensions, the vast majority of Sudbury families adhere to the need for students to be vaccinated against childhood diseases
Spring COVID-19 booster recommended for those age 65+

Spring COVID-19 booster recommended for those age 65+

Individuals in this age group receive an additional dose of COVID-19 vaccine this spring to provide added protection as immunity may have decreased over time
New OMA president wants more support for Northern doctors

New OMA president wants more support for Northern doctors

Dominik Nowak was named new president of the Ontario Medical Association at the annual general meeting held in Sudbury on May 2
Chronic opioid users die decades younger than the average: study

Chronic opioid users die decades younger than the average: study

Findings also suggest health-care providers should receive training in palliative care and addiction medicine to better support people with Opioid Use Disorder