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Letter: Councillors clear up confusion on Elgin Greenway project

McIntosh and Cormier weigh in on Greenway confusion
There appears to be some confusion regarding the Elgin Greenway project in downtown Sudbury. Councillors Deb McIntosh and Fern Cormier look to clear the air. (File)

There appears to be some confusion regarding the Elgin Greenway project in downtown Sudbury.

The Elgin Greenway is a one-kilometre linear park which will provide a green edge to the south side of downtown between Elgin Street and the rail lines/rail yard.

It will more importantly be a pedestrian/cyclist connection between Bell Park and downtown Sudbury and part of the Trans Canada Trail.

Located on the south side of Elgin Street, the Greenway project is not a refurbishment of existing sidewalks or paths, nor will any buildings have to be moved or properties purchased.

On May 9, council was presented with an estimated project cost of $8.5 million for the one-kilometer linear park and the rehabilitation of Elgin Street itself.

Council sent the report back to staff and asked them to reduce the scope of the project (both in cost and size) and identify more clearly the funding sources.

On July 11, a staff report came back to council with a Phase 1 Elgin Greenway cost of $1.5 million and an ask of $661,000 to be included in a business case and brought forward for the 2018 budget deliberations.

Phase One is half a kilometre in length (not including the Nelson Street bridge). The balance of funding is proposed to be found through application to other levels of government and from a generous contribution from the Downtown Business Improvement Association.

Council asked how the scope of work and costs were reduced. 

Staff reported that the scope of the project was phased with Phase 1 being half the total length of the Greenway (515 metres) from the Nelson Street Bridge to Minto Street. 

Phase 2: 265 meters; and Phase Three: 230 meters.

To reduce costs, they reported that hard-scaping was exchanged for soft-scaping. Hard-scaping, complicated paving patterns, was exchanged for less expensive soft-scaping (grass, shrubs etc).

The green landscaping would be protected from road salt by the pedestrian and cycling infrastructure running between the road and the vegetation. A simplified accent lighting plan was also introduced as a cost saving.

Finally, they also reported that the total budget of $3.8 million for Phase 1 was broken down into three categories:

The Greenway: $1.5 million (as noted above), road work: $864,000, and Greenway “Nice to Haves”: $1.5million. 

Street furniture, plaza nodes and the refurbishment of the Nelson Street bridge were all categorized as “nice to haves” or “complementary works” that would not impact the functionality of the Greenway if they did not happen. Private sector contributions would be sought to fund the “nice to haves.” 

Council also asked staff if we would feel compelled to complete Phases 2 or 3 of the Greenway at a future date. We were told that Phase 1 could be considered a stand-alone project and that Phase 1 would be completely functional in connecting pedestrians and cyclists between Bell Park and downtown Sudbury.

Phase 1 of the Elgin Greenway is the completion of the long-term vision to provide a non-motorized connection from Laurentian University to Science North to Bell Park to Downtown Sudbury. It has taken many years and a lot of hard work to get to this point. There was a lot of controversy around the Jim Gordon Boardwalk connecting Bell Park to Science North many years ago, but no one disputes its value now.

For more information, the city reports of May 9 and July 11 are available online at The council meeting videos can also be watched from this site.

Coun. Fern Cormier, Ward 10
Coun. Deb McIntosh, Ward 9