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China shop relocates in Sears

BY APRIL ANTONIAZZI It’s business as usual for Rob McIntosh employees and customers less than a month after their move from the first floor of the New Sudbury Centre to the second floor of Sears.
Helene Giroux Levesque has been working for the Rob McIntosh store in Sudbury since it opened over 10 years ago.


It’s business as usual for Rob McIntosh employees and customers less than a month after their move from the first floor of the New Sudbury Centre to the second floor of Sears.

The china and crystal shop opened in its new location April 1, but the company has had a partnership with Sears for about three years. About a dozen Sears in Canada have Rob McIntosh shops as tenants.

At first, manager Helene Giroux Levesque was unsure about how the
move would go because the new area is smaller than their previous location.

Some merchandise is no longer available in the store but can be ordered either on-line or through the store’s catalogue.

The new location does have advantages though.

“It’s a much more open space then what we would have in the mall itself, so the merchandising is much more open and inviting,” said Peter McIntosh, vicepresident of marketing for Rob McIntosh.

Despite the partnership and the shared bridal registry, the stores remain
separate entities.

The catalyst behind the move was Rob McIntosh’s lease in the mall ending.

“We approached them (Sears), they were interested and we were able to move in,” said McIntosh.

Levesque is happy with the way things turned out and the way the stores
complement each other, particularly when it comes to bridal registries.

“They (Sears) sell the pots and pans and we have the crystal, the china, the flatware, the gift crystal and all that, so it works well,” she said.

Both stores cite advantages to the ongoing partnership.

Rob McIntosh’s customer base has broadened to include Sears shoppers, and Sears is now able to provide new services to their customers.

“Whenever (customers) go to the Rob McIntosh section in our store, they will get expert service and the information that they need,” said Sheena Wrigglesworth, business development for Sears.

So far, the customer response to the move has been positive. Regular Rob McIntosh customers have found their way to the second floor and new ones are noticing the store every day.


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