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Labour Council to host 33rd Day of Mourning

Two services will be held on April 28
The Sudbury and District Labour Council will be holding their 33rd annual Day of Mourning on April 28 for workers who were killed, injured or suffered illness due to workplace conditions. USW Local 6500 will conduct a service at the Steelworkers Union Hall and Conference Centre at 12:30 p.m. This event is by invitation only. (File photo).

The Sudbury and District Labour Council will be holding their 33rd annual Day of Mourning on April 28 for workers who were killed, injured or suffered illness due to workplace conditions.

The day is internationally recognized and will be held at the Fraser Auditorium at Laurentian University at 10 a.m. 

USW Local 6500 will conduct a follow-up service at the Steelworkers Union Hall and Conference Centre at 12:30 p.m. The Steelworkers event is by invitation only and is not open to the public.

"We would like to underline the significance of Sudbury with the Day of Mourning," said a news release from USW Local 6500. "This region was the first region to delcare April 28 as the official Day of Mourning in Canada and across the world."

Guest speakers this year will include USW Unternational President Leo Gerard and Joanne Wade from Threads of Life.


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