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Winter made easy thanks to these snow angels

Call for nomination for Ward 8 members who have made your winters little less harsh
Snow Angel with foot prints in snow. Photographed from directly above.

Do you know someone who helps to keep a path or trail entrance clear? Someone who helps dig out your car after a nasty snowstorm? Someone who helps you to help keep your driveway clear? Someone who clears a bus stop that is not cleared by the city? 

If there’s a neighbour, friend or family member who makes your winter easier, you can now nominate them for a Ward 8 Snow Angel award.  

The only catch being the nominees must reside within the Ward 8 boundaries in New Sudbury east of Barrydowne Road.

This is the second year that Ward 8's volunteer organization Community Action Network (CAN) will be recognizing individuals who go the extra mile to help their neighbours or community. 

CAN collaborates with the City of Greater Sudbury, and with local individuals, groups, organizations, and businesses to run projects and identify issues that are important to the residents of Ward 8. 
“We’re very proud of our community here in Ward 8, and this is just a small way to say thank you to those residents who help us all get through winter,” Rachelle Niemela, Chair of the Ward 8 CAN said.

 All of the nominee’s names will be entered into a draw for a $100 gift card from the business of their choice.

 The draw will be held the day after Easter Monday. 


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